

I got a book titled "Teach me our rights to work" from its writer, Ms. Naoko Shimizu today. It depicts our rights to work in a simple way, and must be easy to be understood by anyone. There is lots of important and useful information in this book especially for young people who are getting out into the world, so please let me introduce this book. I think it's so great if I can translate her wonderful thoughts and publish her books in English into the world someday.


I love you, I love you not プラトニック・ゲーム

This is a beautiful and sad story about finding yourself in difficult teenage years. Claire Danes(クレア・デインズ)plays a vulnerable, insecure, shy teenage girl, "Daisy". She spends most of her time reading and spending time with her grandmother. Daisy is often bullied and misunderstood because she is Jewish just like her grandmother. She met a handsome guy at school and fell in love with him. Jude Law (ジュード・ロウ)plays the guy she has a crush on.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Kayla: A Cry in the Wilderness ケイラ : 雪原の友だち

"KAYLA" was released on DVD with my translation in Japan today. This film is a fine masterpiece which got "Semi Grand Prix" at Chicago International Children's Film Festival. I hope you will enjoy it.

For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はサイトをご覧ください。


Akira's Hip Hop Shop アキラのヒップホップ店

Free on-line distribution of "Akira's Hip Hop Shop" started with my translation at CON-CAN movie festival today. Please visit the website to start the movie. The leading actor is James Kyson Lee (a.k.a, Masahashi Ando "HEROES"). I hope you'll enjoy it.
字幕翻訳いたしました「アキラのヒップホップ店」がCON-CANムービー・フェスティバルにて本日より無料ネット配信されています。無料視聴くださるにはサイトをご覧くださいませ。 「ヒーローズ」のアンドウ・マサハシ君が主演されてます。お楽しみいただければ光栄です。