
The International Library of Children Literature 国際子ども図書館イベント

I went to the International Library of Children Literature today to see a lecture presented by Ms. Nahoko Uehashi, the author, and Ms. Cathy Hirano, the translator, of "Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit", which got Batchelder Award for best translated book in 2009. Thank you so much for this greatest chance. For farther information, please visit the website.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind エターナルサンシャイン

This movie gives us what most people wish for, a chance to forget something that has hurt them in the past. It gives us not only the opportunity to see what it was like if painful memories were erased but also the opportunity to see that everything deserves a second chance. The way it ends leaves the audience to imagine how the characters' lives will end, and it leaves you to imagine your own endings. The acting was amazing throughout the movie. Jim Carrey(ジム・キャリー) and Kate Winslet(ケイト・ウィンスレット) pull off a great performance.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Gran Torino グラン・トリノ

Clint Eastwood(クリント・イーストウッド)gave us another legend. There are similar qualities to his previous works, but I would say that both his directing and acting have reached a level of maturity though the years have not been very kind to his voice. Instead of being preachy, Clint lets his viewers make up their own minds. His characters don't have messages. They have lives, and make no excuses for who they are. We are allowed to make our own choices.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Cherry Blossom Festival Sakura-Shinmachi さくら祭り@世田谷区桜新町

Today, we went to Sakura Festival at Sakura-Shinmachi station. Ms. Kiyoko Suizenji's annual stage was a big success as usual. We enjoyed some silk Yebisu (beer) and bone-in sausages. For farther information, please visit the website.