
Christmas illuminations in Tokyo クリスマス・イルミネーション東京

Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! For farther information about the illuminations or events in Tokyo, please visit the website. Find out if your favorite spots have Christmas trees, events, or fireworks, etc and enjoy visiting those areas.
皆さま、どうぞステキなクリスマス、そして良いお年をお迎えくださいますよう。 東京都のイルミネーション・ライトアップイベント情報の詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。クリスマスツリー、イベント、花火の有無などをチェックして、気になるスポットを楽しみましょう。


Captive 囚われ人

"Captive" was released on DVD with my translation today. Directed by Brillante Mendoza, who won the best director award at Cannes Film Festival with his "KINATAY" for the first time as a Filipino. Starring Isabelle Huppert, who is an internationally successful French actress. I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy this shocking film which makes you rethink "What if I was involved in one of the terrorist activities happening all over the world?"
字幕翻訳いたしました「囚われ人」が本日DVDリリースされました。監督は「キナタイ マニラ・アンダーグラウンド」でフィリピン人として初のカンヌ国際映画祭監督賞を受賞したブリランテ・メンドーサ。主演はフランスが誇る国際的大女優のイザベル・ユペール。世界中で起き続けているさまざまなテロ事件に、「もし自分が巻き込まれたら?」と考えずにはいられない衝撃作となった本作を皆さまもお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。

For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。


Christmas Jazz Concert クリスマス・ジャズコンサート

Setagaya Chuuoh Church is holding Christmas Jazz Concert on December 14th (Sat). For farther information, please click the image or the website. I wish all of you a very merry Christmas with their wonderful timbre.


Last Days ラスト・デイズ

The story has a simple premise: what if, one day, for unknown reasons humans are unable to survive out in the open? The film tackles this premise and plays out the consequences of how human beings would deal with this problem. Both the acting and cinematography and the special effects are solid being never unconvincing or distracting. The story itself is very well told, nicely paced, and the musical score is wonderful being beautifully complemented the visuals. Quite an engaging and intelligent film.

For farther information, please visit the website.