
Arthur C. Clarke

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. (自分の限界がどこにあるか発見するためには、自分の限界を超えて不可能だと思われるところまで行ってみる他はない。) ---- Arthur C. Clarke


Sakura Festival JRA Baji Park 桜まつりJRA馬事公苑

JRA Baji Park is holding its annual Sakura Festival on March 30th(Sat) -31st(Sun). We can enjoy a variety of events such as their gorgeous horses' attractions, trial ride, test-driving of horse carts. Let's enjoy petting the beautiful horses under a wide array of cherry blossom trees including prunus yedoensis, weeping cherries, and double-flowered cherry trees. For farther information, please visit the website.
3月30日(土)~31日(日)JRA馬事公苑で恒例の「桜まつり」が開催されます。 華麗な馬のアトラクションや体験乗馬、馬車試乗会など、馬とふれあえる様々なイベントにもご参加いただけます。ソメイヨシノ、シダレザクラ、ヤエザクラなど多彩な桜のもとでご一緒に馬とのふれあいを楽しみましょう。詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。


A Noite Do Chupacabras 吸血怪獣 チュパカブラ

Another horror movie from Brazil. It seems horror and zombie movies have surely become vogue all over the world these days. Death and blood are in the middle of a feud between two families. Something creepy mobs the Silva Farm. The Carvalho Family, being stuck to their past and hatred, can't see the secular evil that approaches from the darken woods.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Cherry Blossom Viewing お花見

We can enjoy lots of Cherry blossom viewing events here in Tokyo as well at the end of March - beginning of April. Let's get our souls and bodies healed by such pretty cherry blossoms. For farther information, please visit the website.


Juan of the Dead ゾンビ革命-フアン・オブ・ザ・デッド

Zombie movies have become vogue in the past few years, and now there's one from Cuba. This film benefits a lot from lots of frenetic zombie killing enhanced by impressive practicals and CGI special effects, several such funny moments that thankfully require no knowledge of Cuba's complex history, some cool visuals, and a hot heroine in the form of Juan's sexy daughter Camila played by Andrea Duro. The plot might not be particularly memorable, offering the usual gruesome encounters between the living and the flesh-eaters, yet it is surely refreshing enough.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Hina Matsuri Festival ひな祭り

We can enjoy lots of Hina Matsuri events here in Tokyo as well in March. Let's get our souls and bodies healed by the adorable hina dolls. For farther information, please visit the website.


At National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて

Adele Marie Crouch's children's bilingual picture book series, I translated, have become available at National Diet Library (International Library of Children's Literature) in Tokyo. For those living near here, if you enjoy them reading aloud with your children hopefully, I would be very glad and honored. As her series books have been translated not only into Japanese but also into about 20 different lauguages such as French, German, Spanish to be enjoyed as bilingual books, there would be tons of ways to enjoy her series.

For farther info, please click each title.詳細はそれぞれのタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
The Dance of the Caterpillars イモムシのダンス
How the Fox Got His Color キツネが キツネいろに なるまで
Where Hummingbirds Come from ハチドリは どこからくる?
The Gnomes of Knot-Hole Manor 木のあなにすむノーム