
Audrey Hepburn

The greatest victory has been to be able to live with myself, to accept my shortcomings and those of others.(わたしにとって最高の勝利は、ありのままで生きられるようになったこと、自分と他人の欠点を受け入れられるようになったことです。) ---- Audrey Hepburn


Shikouan (cat cafe) 和喫茶 紫光庵 (猫カフェ)

"Lucy the Cat" got a new friend. This is the very moment when she met the popular poster cat, "Mee-chan" at Shikouan (cat cafe) with their remarkable Japanese red umbrella on Sazae-san Street in Sakura-Shinmachi, Setagaya-ku. We can enjoy their authentic Japanese green tee as well as their Japanese sweets such as their handmade "Sakura-Zenzai" and "Calico cat Monaka" whose bean jam is the same color as Mee-chan's fur. We can get our souls and bodies healed by such an adorable menu-guide by Mee-chan. Mee-chan, thank you so much for today. Please let us visit you again.
Sakura-Shinmachi Shopping Mall 桜新町商店街
Sweets-net スイーツネット
Hesse ヘッセ


"The Bedbug Who Wouldn't Bite" Christmas Contest 「かまないベッドバグ」クリスマスコンテスト

Win "The Bedbug Who Wouldn't Bite" series books. The contest closes at 12:00 noon, 12th December 2014 (Halifax, Canadian time) and the winners will be announced on the 13th. For farther information, please click the website or the images. We are all looking forward to lots of applications with lots of dreams.
「かまないベッドバグ」の絵本を当てましょう。 コンテストの締め切りは、2014年12月12日12:00(カナダ・ハリファックス時間)です。当選のお知らせは翌日13日。 詳細はウェブサイトや画像をクリックくださいませ。夢いっぱいな作品のご応募、たくさんお待ちしております。


Autumn leaves 紅葉

We can enjoy lots of beautiful autumn leaves here in Tokyo at the end of November - beginning of December. Let's get our souls and bodies healed by such charming autumn colors. For farther information, please visit the website.


Police Story Legend ポリス・ストーリー/レジェンド

This film follows Jackie Chan(ジャッキー・チェン)'s character in a Die Hard scenario. A bunch of cage fighting criminals have taken hostages in a fortified building, one of them is Jackie's daughter and he must find a way to save them all by himself. This film has some great action scenes but it is not really oriented on that. It shows more of Jackie's dramatic side and he pulls of the role amazingly in this film. Unlike Jackie's earlier films which are lighter in tone, this one is much darker. To clear things up for the fans, this film is not related to the previous 5 Police Story movies, it is a separate film and should be treated as such.

For farther information, please visit the website.


X-MEN: Days of Future Past X-MEN: フューチャー&パスト

This movie finds its source in the very core of humanity's struggles, and shows that X-men's themes are still very relevant in the world today. You would thank its nostalgia and its well balanced mix between the original characters and the new ones. It is action packed and there are no irrelevant scenes while there is no break between action scenes and more emotional, story-line scenes. Along with the action and the acting, there is also the usual dose of humor found in most Marvel movies. And Hugh Jackman(ヒュー・ジャックマン)will bring a smile to your face for sure.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Amazon bestselling アマゾンベストセラー

Thanks to all of you, "Lucy the Cat" paperback has also become No.1 on Amazon Japan's Best-Seller List (category:Children's Cat Books). Thank you so much for fondling her.
おかげさまで「ねこのルーシー」ペーパーバック版も、アマゾンのベストセラー1位(カテゴリ:Children's Cat Books)になれました。皆さま、愛でてくださって誠にありがとうございますm(__)m。


Aluminum (10th wedding) anniversary photos アルミ婚式(10周年)記念撮影

            Before         →         After
This year marks our Aluminum (10th wedding) anniversary. Thank you so much for being nice and kind to us at all times. For those who are hoping to celebrate your Silver (25th wedding) anniversary and Gold (50th wedding) anniversary as well, let's keep going as far as we can go as we please. Hope you'll enjoy our 10th anniversary photos "Unspeakable Before-After analysis (huggy princess version)". The doodle was done by my own father.
10th anniversary photo 10周年記念撮影 by 原宿のフォトスタジオAndy st.

~Bits of knowledge マメ知識~
1st : Paper 紙婚式
2nd : Cotton 綿婚式
3rd : Leather 革婚式
4th : Linen, Silk リンネル婚式、絹婚式
       Fruit and Flowers 花と果実婚式
5th : Wood 木婚式
6th : Iron Sugar 鉄婚式
7th : Wool, Copper 銅婚式
8th : Bronze 青銅婚式
9th : Pottery Willow 陶器婚式
10th : Tin, Aluminum アルミ婚式、錫婚式
11th : Steel 鋼鉄婚式
12th : Silk, Silk and fine Linen 絹婚式、亜麻婚式
13th : Lace レース婚式
14th : Ivory 象牙婚式
15th : Crystal 水晶婚式
20th : China 磁器婚式、陶器婚式
25th : Silver 銀婚式
30th : Pearl 真珠婚式
35th : Coral, jade Coral 珊瑚婚式
40th : Ruby ルビー婚式
45th : Sapphire サファイア婚式
50th : Gold 金婚式
55th : Emerald エメラルド婚式
60th : Diamond ダイヤモンド婚式
70th : Platinum プラチナ婚式