
Bill Gates

Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world... if you do so, you are insulting yourself. (自分のことを、この世の誰とも比べてはいけない。それは自分自身を侮辱する行為だ。)---- Bill Gates


17th anniversary 17周年記念

Today marks my 17th anniversary on the job. I thank them for renewing my contract so many times every year so far. The first renewal was in 1999, which means I started working here in 1998. I appreciate a place they have kept for me for a long time. Looking forward to continuing a good cooperation we have always had for this 17th year as well.
  ~2015, Heisei 27 
  ~ 2010, Heisei 22
  ~ 2004, Heisei 16
  ~2000, Heisei 12


Birdman or (the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) バードマン あるいは(無知がもたらす予期せぬ奇跡)

Another wonderful work of art and a technical masterpiece. It encompasses pretty much everything that comes along with being in the entertainment world whether it is Hollywood or Broadway. Plus, the very meta and excellent performance by Michael Keaton(マイケル・キートン), a hilarious turn from Edward Norton(エドワード・ノートン), a career best for Emma Stone(エマ・ストーン), a revelatory one from Zach Galifianakis(ザック・ガリフィナーキス), and a great supporting cast helps to make the beautiful chaos on screen work.

For farther information, please visit the website.





Exhibition of Hollywood @ Kamakura ハリウッド展@鎌倉

"Exhibition of Hollywood, seen by Ms. Natsuko Toda" has been held at Kawakita Film Museum and we enjoyed their spirited and powerful works and longed-for screen world during our summer vacation. The exhibition will run till September 13th. Film lovers, Ms. Toda fans, why don't you heal your late-summer heat fatigue at Hollywood Exhibition in Kamakura, where we can get away from hustle and bustle of urban life? With their film tickets, we can also enjoy their exhibition. 
Congratulations on achieving book-swapping with Ms. Toda; her autographed books for the cat books with my translation. Hope the cats will become good friends with her favorite pet cat, Amelia. Thank you so much for the fine poster as well.
For farther information, please click the websites. 詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
Kamakura City Kawakita Film Museum 鎌倉市川喜多映画祈念館
Flyer Free Download チラシ無料ダウンロード
Kawakita Memorial Film Institute 川喜多記念映画文化財団
Natalie 映画ナタリー


Jupiter Ascending ジュピター

The subject matter might not as deep or profound as in "The Matrix(マトリックス)", "V for Vendetta(Vフォー・ヴェンデッタ)", or "Cloud Atlas(クラウド・アトラス)", all of which Andy & Lana Wachowskis(ラナ&アンディ・ウォシャウスキー)directed or produced, but it was never advertised to be that kind of film. It's a solid blockbuster film, pure and simple with plenty of room for sequels, but might be a little typical action & romance movie for some.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb ナイト ミュージアム/エジプト王の秘密

The third installment of the Night at the Museum movies brings the magic early on, bringing back familiar faces like Teddy / Robin Williams(ロビン・ウィリアムズ), Jed / Owen Wilson(オーウェン・ウィルソン), and Octavius / Steve Coogan(スティーヴ・クーガン)in all their comedic glory as well as Larry / Ben Stiller(ベン・スティラー). Amidst a grand speech, cool CGI effects are done to bring the constellations alive that shine in all their cool blue light before chaos arises. Once we get to the London museum, more exciting things come alive, in the form of another CGI fossil, a mythical snake demon made of metal. The effects are fluid, the designs beautiful.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Boyhood 6才のボクが、大人になるまで。

This movie is hilarious and real. The plot is very simple: what does it mean to grow up, to become an adult, and to live? As the years go by, it becomes apparent that Mason, the main character, is struggling to find his place in life. It surely is one of the most powerful and unique coming-of-age film and will be proclaimed as a classic for the years to come.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Mr. Iwago Mitsuaki's photo exhibition @Shibuya Hikarie 岩合光昭さん写真展 @渋谷ヒカリエ

A photo exhibition of Mr. Iwago Mitsuaki, who is known for NHK "Sekai Neko Aruki" etc, has been held at Shibuya Hikarie, and we enjoyed their full-course event, from Mr Iwago's spirited and powerful pictures, talk-show, and autograph-signing session yesterday. His photo exhibition at Shibuya Hikarie will run till August 31st. Cat lovers, why don't you heal your summer heat fatigue at his cat photo exhibition? With their ticket stubs, you can get discount at Hikarie restaurants as well.
Congratulations on achieving book-swapping with Mr. Iwago; his autographed books for the cat books with my translation. Thank you so much for shaking hands as well.
祝、岩合さんのサイン本と、私のネコちゃん絵本の訳書とのブクブク交換達成。握手までしていただき、感謝申し上げます<(_ _)>。 

For farther information, please click the websites. 詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
Crevis クレヴィス
Facebook 岩合光昭写真展「ふるさとのねこ」渋谷ヒカリエ
NHK online 岩合光昭の世界ネコ歩き