
Coco Chanel

How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something, but to be someone.(人が何かになろうとするのではなく、誰かになろうとする時、どれだけの関心を失うだろう。)---- Coco Chanel


TOHO STUDIOS Innovative Filmmakers in Setagaya 東宝スタジオ展 映画=創造の現場

February 21st (Sat)~April 19th (Sun), a special exhibition "TOHO STUDIOS Innovative Filmmakers in Setagaya" is being held at The Setagaya Art Museum. Focusing on two of their representative works in 1954, "Godzilla" and "Seven Samurai", they are seeking the very charm of their screen art which created "special effects" and "Tokyo samurai dramas". They are also introducing some works of lots of creators such as art designers, costume designers, and composers. For farther information, please visit their website.
2015年2月21日(土)~2015年4月19日(日)、世田谷美術館にて、「東宝スタジオ展 映画=創造の現場」が開催されます。1954年に公開された2本の代表作、「ゴジラ」と「七人の侍」に注目し、"特殊撮影"や"東京の時代劇"を生み出した映画美術の魅力を探ります。また、美術デザイナー、衣裳デザイナー、作曲家など、様々なクリエイターの仕事もご紹介くださっています。詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。



I got a surprise gift from one of my colleagues, Sally sensei, today. What I got is her wonderful book "やさしい英語で「不思議の国のアリス」を読もう". I already started turning the pages. It is definitely a perfect gem with such cute illustrations, Alice's charming world, and some explanations and even a CD. Especially for those who love English or Alice, I hope you will also enjoy this fabulous book. Sally sensei, thank you so much for such a wonderful masterpiece.

↓Here is Sally sensei's blog サリー先生のブログはこちら
SallyのバイリンガルDiary ~人生ワンランクアップさせる一日6分の英語講座~


AEON Shibuya Ekimae School イーオン渋谷駅前本校

I was transferred to AEON Shibuya Ekimae school, which was just renovated and opened this month, and am teaching here from today. Looking forward to meeting Shibuya people, who are as brilliant as the sparkling classrooms, and helping all of you to brush up your English skills and make your wonderful dreams come true. Hope 2015 will be another great year for all of us.


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 猿の惑星: 新世紀(ライジング)

Its storyline picks up ten years after we saw Ceasar and his fellow simian escapees seek refuge in the woods near San Francisco. What an astonishing achievement of this film is when it comes to the use of CGI. The level of craftsmanship displayed here simply has to be so admired that you might forget that you are watching digital characters brought to life through the outstanding motion-capture performances by Andy Serkis(アンディ・サーキス), Toby Kebbell(トビー・ケベル)and Judy Grier(ジュディ・グリア)etc. When it comes to the action, this might not your usual summer blockbuster. This is no light-hearted, comic-book-style fantasy film with fun, over-the-top action scenes. What we have here is a gritty, realistic portrayal of a slowly escalating conflict. The core of this film is the intelligent, skilfully told story with its well-drawn, believable characters

For farther information, please visit the website.


Godzilla ゴジラ

Some would feel the film might be over-hyped to lead viewers to believe that this iteration of Godzilla was going to take this franchise to the next level. Like the name itself, Godzilla is a "God" like creature that doesn't play by mankind's rules while human beings must learn that Godzilla is something that we can't control and we must adapt to live in his realm of destruction and chaos. Godzilla is not a figure that should be labeled as hero or villain. If you are interested in this film because you love the talented work of Ken Watanabe(渡辺謙)or Aaron Taylor-Johnson(アーロン・テイラー=ジョンソン)etc, and are excited to see what they bring to the table, this might be a bit disappointing.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Guardians of Galaxy ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー

With each new film they release, Marvel outdo themselves time after time, from "Captain America" to "X-Men", and now to this amazing and irreverent superhero blockbuster packed full of humor and action in a visually stunning galaxy. Previous Marvel films have tried too hard to place humor in situations that didn't require it, however, "Guardians of the Galaxy" employs it frequently, and due to the constant stream of jokes, it works perfectly. Chris Pratt(クリス・プラット)is by far one of Marvel's best casting choices while the other acting bodies were also cast perfectly. The visual effects are utterly stunning and the battle scenes are epic.

For farther information, please visit the website.